Saturday, April 21, 2012

April Chicken Happenings:

I'm glad I took a picture of my indigo last month, because I feel much more encouraged by their progress.
It seems like they're growing so slowly! But they are in a good spot, not too much sun, not too much water. (I killed a few, they're so fragile!)

Summer has suddenly hit! Takes its tole not only in us, but in our girls too. Susie mouth breather.

Luckily they rest where it's cool. Little drips from the hose make a cool, damp place on the east side of our house.

Poor Ku'u Ipo is broody. I shut the door to the coop so she can't go in and sit on her golf ball. I'm going to see if she snaps out of it quicker this way, instead of letting her sit on it to her heart's content.

Bea pecking bugs off the geraniums

Chicken fluff butts

                                  I'll introduce you to the plants which make up our dye garden:
pokeberry: pink & red color
Black Hollyhock: light blue color
Sunflower: yellow and green
Purple Basil: brown
Marjoram: yellow, gray, coppery brown
Marjoram protector (an old birdcage)

Things blooming in the yard: roses and orange blossoms!

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