Saturday, March 17, 2012

St. Chickens' Day

Yay, we definitely spread our green around the yard today.
A shamrock and a "pot-o-gold" for the chickies
Susie just picks out the "good stuff" and flings out the rest

Then the other girls came. Ku'u Ipo likes looking at me.

I haven't really blogged about anything other than the chickens, but I'll mention these things too:
These are my sprouts to grow indigo for dyeing yarns!

Here's a cool ceramic head I made in college, I LOVED that class! So hard, but I always felt awesome afterward. Oh, that's an artichoke plant to the left.

Here's our other green we had this St. Patrick's Day.

Japanese pumpkin, they didn't sprout last year, but they did this time!

Acorn Squash

Moon & Stars Watermelon, looking sickly but we've had a little too much rain lately.

Blue pumpkin, that tasted so yummy last fall, I'm glad we have more than one plant this year!


All those little guys in the ground!

I have a sprout on my raspberry bush! I didn't kill it! Yay! (Susie in the background)

Susie girl, she's so pretty.

We have to cover this plant with a bird cage so the chickens don't destroy it

Happy March 17th!