Monday, January 31, 2011

Broodyness Best-of and Sun Seekers

'Apelila is now over her broody spell. Has been for a couple weeks now, but these were cute so I'll post these from when she was in confinement. ;)

'Apelila stretching her wings

The girls check her back into the group

Bea certainly is intimidating!
We finally had a bit of sunshine again today. Everyone is taking advantage of it!

I've never seen them taking a dust bath so close together!

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Winter Weather & Broody Girl

All the girls aren't very smart when it comes to staying dry. With each rain they seem to get a little wiser, but this day they were particularly sad looking.

The silkies get especially soaked by the rain. Poor girls!

And, for the second time in three months 'Apelila has gone broody. This means she sits on her nest (which is empty) and doesn't eat or drink. I still make her sleep in the coop with the other girls, but she makes strange clucking sounds and when I let them out in the morning she scrambles to eat & drink something quickly and then runs back to the nest! We try pushing her off the nest but she'll grab a quick bite to eat and then run around making crazy paniced clucks and then hop back on the nest.
SO, last time when this happened I brought her inside where she sat for a few days and then she stood up and wandered around and I took her outside and she got better! This time she isn't tending to sit in one place inside, so I got some advice to put her in a dog carrier. Seems to be working well so far.

She moved her head quickly but it made a neat looking shadow

Friday, January 7, 2011

Meet the Girls

Susan "Suzie"

Beatrice "bea"

'Apelila "lila"

Ku'u Ipo "Ku'u"