Thursday, December 1, 2011

Time Change Tail Loss

Because of the time change I only see my chickens when I take them out in the morning and put them to bed in the evening. I finally remembered to take my camera with me so I can show you what my girl looks like without her tail!

She has been molting for a while and her tail is gone!

At least the silkies are laying again. Nobody was laying eggs for quite a while.

The chickens don't like wind ruffling their feathers. It was very strong today! And while I was taking this shot Susie and Bea were running away to find shelter.

They come back for food though!

And I promptly came inside for tea. Notice ginger man and the chicken egg-cups.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Halloween Present

I brought home some extra pumpkins from work and the chickens were feeling festive...
Here's some pictures of them, I tried to get one of them to peck the pumpkin but nobody fessed up.

And of course I carved a jack-o-lantern this year. Mom did too :)
The berries Bea is eating in the photo above dyed this yarn! It's such a great color!
And since I'm here I'll put up photos from the Mill-In (open house) we had last Saturday.

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Halloweens Past...

This was my costume last year. One of the best I've had in a while. :)

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Lovin' Leftovers

I call it chicken rugby

 They steal it from each other, run with it and eat as much as they can before it gets stolen back.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Weekend Work

A few weekends ago we were preparing our garden area. We've decided to ditch the grass and have only vegetables/flowers in the back yard! The chickes loved the idea of rototilling everywhere too! So many worms!

'Apelila was being very photogenic that day

Also, one of the big girls laid a 2nd egg that day. That used to happen more often when they were first starting to lay. I suspect it was Suzie because I saw her come out of the coop before I found this warm egg and I'd already collected an egg from everyone that day. Also, the shell wasn't fully perfeted yet, it still looked like it had calcium spots on it and it's not the same brown Suzie's eggs normally are.


This is kind of old, but I wated to finish my point about our eggs.
I finally remembered to take a picture of all the eggs together. (Quarter incuded for scale.) And Suzie's eggs are HUGE!! They look good together, don't they?
Suzie's egg on left, silkie egg on right. You can see the height of each yolke isdifferent. More in Suzie's egg.

Suzie left, silkie right
 Here is a comparison of the eggs when you're going to eat them. I think I used 'Apelila's egg, comparing largest and smallest eggs side by side. There's a difference, but not as much as you'd think. I thought the silkie egg had more egg white, but I'm not sure if that's something that changes with each egg?
Comparison of eggs, stacked
Comparison of eggs, side by side

Thursday, February 3, 2011


Suzie has been in a state of molting the past month, so she's not laying, but all the other girls are. Even 'Apelila has fully come out of being broody.
I added a gray egg to show how much bigger Suzie's eggs usually are.
I think it's cute how the eggs vary in size. I can tell which one's which. It's even in size order by who's higher in the pecking order. Biggest to smallest, who's no.1 and who's no. 4.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Broodyness Best-of and Sun Seekers

'Apelila is now over her broody spell. Has been for a couple weeks now, but these were cute so I'll post these from when she was in confinement. ;)

'Apelila stretching her wings

The girls check her back into the group

Bea certainly is intimidating!
We finally had a bit of sunshine again today. Everyone is taking advantage of it!

I've never seen them taking a dust bath so close together!